How to Succeed as a First-Year Attorney at a Big Law Firm

How to Succeed as a First-Year Attorney at a Big Law Firm

How to Succeed as a First-Year Attorney at a Big Law Firm This is the third essay in a series on “Big Law” firms from the perspective of a former Big Law associate. Click here to read the first essay on how to break into Big Law. Click here to read the second essay on how to succeed as […]

How to Succeed as a Big Law Summer Associate

How to Succeed as a Big Law Summer Associate

How to Succeed as a Big Law Summer Associate This is the second essay in a series on “Big Law” firms from the perspective of a former Big Law associate. Click here to read the first essay on how to break into Big Law. Click here for the third essay in this series, which discusses how to succeed as […]

How to Break Into Big Law

How to Break Into Big Law

How to Break Into Big Law This is part one in a series on “Big Law” firms from the perspective of a former Big Law associate. Part two discusses how to succeed as a Big Law summer associate. Part three discusses how to succeed as a first-year Big Law associate. Notwithstanding the lawsuits and vocal critics on the Internet, […]