Reversed in Part

Reversed in Part

A book for law students and lawyers who want exciting careers outside legal practice

Legal practice can be extremely rewarding. But what happens if you don’t want to practice law anymore? Or what if you’re in law school and discover that legal practice may not be for you?

In Reversed in Part, Adam Pascarella reveals how 15 accomplished law school graduates built stellar careers outside traditional legal practice. From startups and finance to sports broadcasting and nonprofits, you will get inspiration and practical advice on how to craft a career that you love.

Learn From the Best

Hear from prominent law school graduates and former lawyers like Diahann Billings Burford, Anthony Scaramucci, Jay Bilas, Melinda Snodgrass, Keith Rabois, and more.

Get Inspired

Learn how all 15 law school graduates found their first jobs in the legal field and how successfully transitioned outside of the law. Each story has plenty of hard-fought lessons.

Take Action

Gather some critical first principles to chart your career journey, whether you want to remain a practicing lawyer or want to go in a dramatically different direction.

Design your career on your own terms

Your Guide

Adam Pascarella is author of Reversed In Part. A former litigation associate at one of the world’s largest corporate law firms, Adam is now the founder and CEO of Second Order Capital Management.


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Reversed in Part is a book about law school graduates and former practicing attorneys who have created outstanding careers outside legal practice. You will hear directly from 15 law school graduates as they discuss law school, how they transitioned out of the legal industry, and how readers can maximize their odds of entering specific sectors or industries. 

Ultimately, you don’t need to be a practicing lawyer for the rest of your career. Reversed In Part can help you create a non-traditional career that you love.

This book is primarily for prospective law students, current law students, and practicing attorneys. Whether you are just completing your law school applications or have been practicing law for decades, Reversed In Part has the perfect combination of inspiration and practical steps to help you advance your career.

With all of that said, you don’t necessarily need to be in the legal field to enjoy this book. No matter your career or profession, you will learn some critical career lessons that you can apply to your own journey.  

The book contains interviews with 15 law school graduates. While these 15 individuals have different experiences, they encountered many of the same challenges when deciding to leave legal practice.

In these pages, you will hear from:

  • Keith Rabois: Operator and Venture Capitalist
  • Tiffany Duong: Writer, Explorer, and Inspirational Speaker
  • Daron K. Roberts: Former NFL Assistant Coach and University Lecturer
  • Jessica Medina: Accredited Financial Counselor
  • Anthony Scaramucci: Entrepreneur and Former White House Communications Director
  • Melinda Snodgrass: Author and Screenwriter
  • Richard Hsu: Legal Recruiter
  • Diahann Billings Burford: Nonprofit CEO
  • Jay Bilas: College Basketball Analyst and Sports Personality
  • Ayelette Robinson: Actress and Entrepreneur
  • Sander Daniels: Entrepreneur
  • Nelly Baksht: Artist
  • David Hornik: Venture Capitalist and Educator
  • Angela Saverice-Rohan: Management Consultant and Privacy Expert
  • Mia Dell: Policy Director

In a legal decision, a reversal in part essentially means that a higher court decided that a lower court correctly decided some issues and incorrectly decided other issues.  While all 15 individuals may have walked away from day-to-day legal practice, they continue to use the skills and experiences they developed within the legal field to excel outside of the legal field.

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